The Association is committed to, and involved in, the support and well-being of Hobart High School and its alumni.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012


BrickieFest Picnic was a fun time for all and the fall weather was beautiful at festival Park.

Thanks to all who came to the BrickieFest Picnic at Festival Park on Sunday, October 21, from 12 noon until 5 pm.

The weather was perfect, so we ate outside the Community Center. Michael Shapiro's vendor tent provided food and drink for those who didn't bring their own,

and Wolffgang performed from 2 to 3.

This was a different kind of BrickieFest than last year's, an informal gathering of HHS alumni and their families. We plan to have lots more all-class events in the future. Check  Hobart High Alumni Web Site 
for more information of future events and up to date information on your fellow alumni.